WALTER is a series of guerilla installations of a colossal rabbit across Singapore’s landscape of flats and heartland enclaves. WALTER’s incongruity to his environment forces people to re-examine familiar spaces by invoking a sense of surprise and wonder. By inserting and documenting a surreal and naive object within the “invisible normal”, the project allows others to discover the extraordinary in their everyday by looking at their surroundings as children again. WALTER is a refute to the frequently held view that Singapore is prosaic and boring, and a recognition that its most common and overlooked landscape — the tapestry of flats, zhi char eateries, Hotel 81s, convenience stores and MRT line arteries, is unapologetically beautiful.

AUDITION FOR THE ROLE OF A GINORMOUS RABBIT, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

FINE DAY FOR A PARADE, WALTER, Photographed Installations
on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 MM, 2010

BIG, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

FLOORPLAN OF A PERFECT CAREER, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 MM, 2010

GONE SWIMMING, WALTER, Photographed Installations
on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

THE BLUE DANUBE, WALTER, Photographed Installations
on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 MM, 2010

ONCE UPON A HOUSE, WALTER, Photographed Installations
on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

NEW NEIGHBOUR, WALTER, Photographed Installations
on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

PEEKABOO, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

MIRROR MIRROR, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 MM, 2010

SOMEWHERE OVER A CONCRETE RAINBOW, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

“No doubt as with most guerilla or subversive art work that achieves a certain level of notoriety, he has been adopted, adapted and usurped by popular culture, or the very culture that that the work was making a point about or against. Over the past 9 years, there has been so much a do about one rabbit that I need to take you back to the start. The truth is: Walter, as a project in and of itself, has little to do with a rabbit and has everything to do with the visual landscape of this city I call home.”

– Dawn Ng, ArtScience Museum Talk, 2019

on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

WONDERLAND, WALTER, Photographed Installations
on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

SUNDAY MORNINGS, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

HELLO TOMORROW, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

TROJAN, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

WAITING FOR SHIYING, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010

GAS, CIGARETTES AND POCKY STICKS, WALTER, Photographed Installations on Premium Lustre Archival Paper, 1189 X 792 mm, 2010